
Monday, September 26, 2011

Plants in the office environment

Over the last decade Mumbai's infrastructure has rapidly towers,sky scrapers,multinational complexes have made the Mumbai skyline an absolute stunner.the office spaces in Mumbai occupy a large chunk of the sky line and the twinkling lights in the night sky is testimony on the long working hours the city puts to rightfully call itself the commercial hub of India.With most of the population spending hours at their desk the office surroundings have come under increased scrutiny .Plants office do more than just look pretty. They help clean the air that we breathe as well as make us feel less alienated in the artificial environments that pass for offices now. Modern office buildings spew out hundreds of chemicals from the new carpets, paints, upholstery, computers and of the many researches into this the Researchers found that one potted plant per 100 square feet of floor space can help clean the air.


the most effective plants and the poppular Areca Palm which is known to remove ammonia, and formaldehyde (found in many cleaning products) from the air and releasing moisture into the air. Peace Lily which removes acetone, then the Rubber Plant, then

Ficus Benjamina
(weeping fig) then the drachena eliminates mould causing asthma, boston ferns,spiders are highly rated for improving air quality.philodendrons look stunning and are excellent at removing formaldehyde, especially so at higher concentrations.Devils Ivy, or Golden Pathos, is an excellent air cleansing plant. Its decorative marbled leaves and easy maintenance make it very popular amongst indoor plants


now this a concept developed by us at Vriksha Nursery with my natural need to experiment with plants iv found several plants that work well in the air conditioned surroundings and keeping pests like:rats,lizards,mosquitoes,flies,mites,roaches at bay. cloak rooms,rest rooms service passages are ideal for these plants and over the last few years we have realized its an effective way to keep the office insect free without the use of highly toxic chemicals that have devastating side effects not just for your surroundings bot for the health of the employees as well.

Plants/Terrarium/landscapes/bonsai's give the office the clean professional looks that your office table tops deserve.Plants like Anthurium,Phalaenopsis Orchids are visually very appealing and though they cost a little more they compensate the same in pure beauty.Terrarium is a collection of compatible plants grown in an enclosed, or partially enclosed, clear container.Creating a terrarium filled with ferns and other small plants is a practical and fun way to have a miniature landscape inside your home. Their easy care is ideal for people who are too busy to spend a lot of time caring for plants
Table top landscape:many people have thier own version of these here at the nursery the landscape tray has been a best seller for over 15 years first made by the best landscape designer ever to have walked the face of this earth:DAD...a simple symbiotic collection of plants in a flat handmade ceremic tray decorated with marble chips and goa a kid i used to be round his n rajus(my head gardener) neck n i still cant make them as neat as them.Bonsai
is a Japanese art form using miniature trees grown in containers,,,and its not as hard as it sounds but it looks second to none if the right variety is trained well in the right container.

4)Basic maintenance practices:
what you must always remember is the plants are in an office atmosphere and the maintenance practices need to be effective swift and precise. the work can be basicly divided in 3 basic categories:-


a)removal of yellow leaves.
b)cleaning/wiping of planters.
c)watering(there are exceptions)
d)emptying coasters of excess water.


a)trimming/pruning of bonsai and cleaning of Terrarium
b)shifting of plants in dark spots to places with more light and visa versa.
c)re setting of decorative ornaments marble chips,etc


a)re tiding of moss sticks.
b)take the orchids out of the premises and do the feeding(addition of liquid fertilizers)
c)addition of mud manure in plants to be done outside the office premises.
d)re trimming of landscape tray.
if these steps are followed i assure you that the plants will be maintained in top condition for a long time.
At the nursery we offer many attractive hiring schemes in which every month your office gets a fresh set of plants trained gardeners ,visits by horticulturists ,plants dat dont suit your requirements are changed in 48hours etc.give us a call on the numbers mentioned above ...or better still drop by to know more.

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