
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to Be Totally Unhappy

I liked this post over at The Blazing Center so much, I'm posting it in its entirety below:

You’re stuck in a happiness rut and you want to know how to get out.

I understand. I’ve been there before. Sometimes I just get so sick of being happy that I’ve got to take drastic action.

There is one sure fire to get yourself out of a happiness rut:

Make yourself the center of everything.

It’s so simple yet so beautiful. Put yourself and your personal fulfillment at the center of everything that you’re doing. Push God’s glory out of the way and bring your own fulfillment smack dab into the middle.

This solution works with pretty much anything. Parenting is painful when it’s all about you and what you want. Ministry becomes miserable when personal satisfaction and public accolades become the top goal. Work is a nightmare when you’re constantly aware of how unhappy it makes you.

Whatever you do, keep God and his glory and his purposes out of sight. Don’t get tangled up in that stuff. You might accidentally forget about yourself and start being joyful.

Trust me on this. I’m an expert. Make it all about you and you can be unhappy all the time. - Stephen Altrogge

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