
Monday, October 25, 2010

Friends of the Library Book Club

The Friends of the Library Book Club will meet November 17th at 7 p.m. at the Meyersdale Public Library to discuss the book Little Bee by Chris Cleave.

Mari Malcolm of Review states, “The publishers of Chris Cleave's novel "don't want to spoil" the story by revealing too much about it, and there's good reason not to tell too much about the plot's pivot point. All you should know going in to Little Bee is that what happens on the beach is brutal, and that it braids the fates of a 16-year-old Nigerian orphan (who calls herself Little Bee) and a well-off British couple--journalists trying to repair their strained marriage with a free holiday--who should have stayed behind their resort's walls. The tide of that event carries Little Bee back to their world, which she claims she couldn't explain to the girls from her village because they'd have no context for its abundance and calm. But she shows us the infinite rifts in a globalized world, where any distance can be crossed in a day--with the right papers--and "no one likes each other, but everyone likes U2." Where you have to give up the safety you'd assumed as your birthright if you decide to save the girl gazing at you through razor wire, left to the wolves of a failing state.”

Copies of Little Bee are available at the library. Join what is sure to be an interesting discussion about the moral and ethical questions Cleave poses in this well-received novel.

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