
Wednesday, September 1, 2010


MLM. Stands for Multi Level Marketing.

MLM is a term that describes a marketing structure used by some companies as part of their overall marketing strategy. The structure is designed to create a marketing and sales force by compensating promoters of company products not only for sales they personally generate, but also for the sales of other promoters they introduce to the company, creating a downline of distributors and a hierarchy of multiple levels of compensation. - taken from Wikipedia

I've been accidentally joining few MLM businesses. Accidentally because I was forced too. But there are some MLM businesses that I joined, with my willing. Yes, because I love their ways of approach. Not only approaching the customers but the new members! Some of the 'good' MLMs are like A***, D** & P*** just to name a few.

Recently, Mr. Kingkong was introduced to join this MLM. I don't want to reveal it but if you still stubbornly thinking and anticipating about it, come, just YM or FB me. Haha. Will tell you the name of the company.

1st, we welcome them to home. We were so excitedly briefed and were promised with this and that. Was analyzed thru our dreams to own a dream house, big car, overseas vacations etc. Then, we were introduced to the products and had the chance to sample them and with some demonstrations. Cool. Before they left our house, we were equipped with some motivational books and CDs to read and listen. Super cool.

WHOAAAA!!!!! - excited new MLM members

I remember one of our friends, L went to our house few years back, promoting the E**** water filter. As he was our guest, we served him with hot Milo and some titbits because he seemed so exhausted after the vigorous explaination on the water consumption and pollution. Very dedicated marketing guy. Do you know what was his reaction? He said, "THANK YOU UNCLE, AUNTY. I ONLY DRINK THIS WATER, ONLY FROM THIS FILTER". Celaka!! This was so funny that I couldn't hold it anymore and burst into my biggest laughter!! He can come to that most extreme level with his so called 'quote'. Then my FIL sarcastically asked him, "SO, TELL ME BOY. WHEN YOU MEET YOUR CLIENT AT KOPITIAM, WHAT DRINK DO YOU ORDER THEN?". He seemed so not comfortable with my FIL's question so he said, "NOPE. I JUST BRING THIS BOTTLE CONTAINING FILTERED DRINKING WATER, FILTERED BY THIS WATER FILTER." I tell you, you should have seen his proud face when he said that. I then went on laughing more and more, I am sorry. Very, very sorry. *am laughing while typing this*. So funny when I rethink about it.

Well, back to my story. Since the first visit, we were drowned by phone calls, everyday asking whether we are free during the weekends. If we tell them that we can't, they will ask us to attend the discussion-lah, meeting-lah, beauty clinic-lah.. and the list goes on! All happens during weekdays, at 8:00 p.m. onwards. One thing I realize about this MLM, all the top notches are Engineers, Businessmen, etc. None of them were Durian seller, housewives, factory worker or what more to say, a civil servant like me.


Please understand us. We arrive at home only after 6:15 p.m. The moment I take off my shoes, I took a cup of tea and check whether the food is enough for dinner. If not, then I have to roll up my sleeve and start to cook. The moment I finish with the dinner and dishwashing it is already 8:30 p.m. Then I will go and take my bath and then checking Gabby's schoolwork. TV? I rarely watch TV only during weekends. Only after Gabby goes to sleep then I will steal the time to check emails or reading some craps from magazines before going to sleep. Enough with the sour face welcomed me coming back late from office in the past, I don't want any more domestic feud at home. I wanna move out from the house one day (God's willing +), without hurting anyone's feelings.

I'm sorry. I just don't like being forced and pushed. Just give us some space to adjust ourselves first then we can adjust people out there. To the successful MLM members out there, I wish you the best!!

With Love,

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