
Thursday, June 30, 2011


A wedding day is more likely to be one of the most precious days in their life. Therefore, brides are waiting to look and feel their best.

Every bride should wear makeup. Even as a bride to be mostly does wear makeup – on her wedding day, a game must be worn!Bridal make-up should not radically change the appearance of a bride.

This is should simply enhance the natural beauty of a woman and still look like the person once they had the wedding makeup applied.

A bride should look like it is, and feel satisfied with her makeup and not cause wheezing when a girl totally different looking emerges through the door and in the driveway!
Bridal makeup and hair today should be mild and sober. The effect is sexier, less harsh. Hair can be worn with flowing curls and loose waves. The bun that once conquered the bride scene hair looks so much sweeter.

Updo style of today is not sprayed, pinned, and hidden to hide all the loose hair. The light fell and ruffled, leaving it soft and elegant. The hairstyle should be romantic.

Sometimes the simplest wedding makeup is the best! Wear a foundation flawless base. It’s so important that if you wanna get the perfect picture of your wedding. It gives you a good base and even the color.

You can choose from liquid foundations or tablets made from cream. Even the mineral makeup powder is ideal for wedding makeup, because it lasts all day!

Give your lips a hint of brightness or color of light for a pretty pout! Kissing lips will naturally lead to the breathtaking beauty makeup for your wedding!

Apply a light translucent powder to sensitive areas of the face to shine. Today, the bride wants to show its beauty in a natural setting, so sensual.

Make-up can provide the bride confidence and simple elegance that will be remembered often.

Agave : The Tequila plant...

Iv been on the run collecting plants from across the country for my site (GODZILLA BUNGALOW(mudh island.....its named funnily but is a oriental themed bungalow for parties n shoots).So while researching the plants i came across something that i just had 2 share...Agave is a common plant iv used it and seen it almost everywhere its a hardy landscape plant that when used on mounds or groups look stunning.
.Archeologists say the Aztecs cultivated the Blue Agave starting over 9,000 years ago and made a variety of wine or beer from the plant.Contrary to popular misconceptions, tequila is not made from cactus but rather from the agave plant, a member of the lily family.Agave plants are succulents with long spiny leaves. There are more than 400 species of Agave all native to america and mostly to Mexico. They live for many years as a rosette of thick, fleshy leaves, then flower once (often around 30 years old or so) and die. Like a bromeliad , once an agave blooms it will die. But before it does, it will produce several new plants around its base.So when entering one of these forest nurseries i was stunned to see these plants used as a natural fence all around the nursery..(mainly because the plant has a nasty thorn on the end of each leaf...and cattle don't seem to like the plant).

PROPAGATION:Easy to grow, the Blue Agave plant grows best in tropical conditions. Blue Agave wants lots of sun, warmth and little water in good soil. Great enjoyed for a few years in a nice pot then into your landscape for a unique look guaranteed no neighbor of yours will have .one important care tip this plant hates water logging & frost.It will be its bluest in full sun which will also help to keep fungal diseases at bay

How is tequila made:Tequila is made from the distilled sap from the hearts (pinas) of the Blue Agave plant.Plants are harvested after being in the fields for 8 to 12 years. The long spear shaped leaves are cut off leaving the large pineapple-like cores.The pinas are then slow roasted or steamed, and pressed or ground to release the juice.This liquid is then fermented and, at a minimum, double distilled.

Agave nectar is 1.4 to 1.6 times sweeter than sugar. Agave nectar is often substituted for sugar or honey in recipes. Agave is commonly used as a Vegan alternative to honey in cooking. Because it dissolves quickly, it can be used as a sweetener for cold beverages such as iced tea...

tequila has to be one of the most sought after liquors has influenced many artists ,world leaders and has made people do some things that they have been proud of and somethings that they are ashamed of whats your drunk tequila story the best  25 stories get one of these awesome agaves delivered to your doorstep. Ne ways signing of this post with
One of my all time fav song :

We also sell the plants for rs 350 each drop by to own this absolutely beautiful plant

Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns

Riyadh will build nuclear weapons if Iran gets them, Saudi prince warns | World news | The Guardian
A senior Saudi Arabian diplomat and member of the ruling royal family has raised the spectre of nuclear conflict in the Middle East if Iran comes close to developing a nuclear weapon.

Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi intelligence chief and ambassador to Washington, warned senior Nato military officials that the existence of such a device "would compel Saudi Arabia … to pursue policies which could lead to untold and possibly dramatic consequences".

He did not state explicitly what these policies would be, but a senior official in Riyadh who is close to the prince said yesterday his message was clear.

"We cannot live in a situation where Iran has nuclear weapons and we don't. It's as simple as that," the official said. "If Iran develops a nuclear weapon, that will be unacceptable to us and we will have to follow suit."
I remember predicting this some time ago, but I can't find the post. But it didn't take a particularly clear crystal ball to see it coming.

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Wolli Creek, Wolli Dancing (Theme Day: The Colour Green)

This green sculpture is located in the middle of a large roundabout at the intersection of Arncliffe Street and Brodie Sparks Drive, in the southern suburb of Wolli Creek. "Wolli Dancing" was created by Australian sculptor Blaze Krstanoski-Blazeski and unveiled in this newly redeveloped area in 2008. The plaque reads: Wolli Dancing relates to the Wolli tradition; a place that represents openness, which expresses joy, such as dancing. It captures the sensation and enthusiasm of the performers.

The Eight Words You Can't say on TV

Perhaps Comedian George Carlin's most notorious routine was, "The Seven Words You Can't Say on TV," from 1978. Considering his list (which no, I am not going to reproduce here), I would say that now there are only five of those words you still can't say on TV, and I mean broadcast TV, not cable, where I think the list would be down to two (or maybe none?)

Today, though, an eighth word was discovered that you can't say on TV, and the MSNBC commentator who uttered it promptly got sacked. Hugh Hewitt : Suspended? Really?
Mark Halperin is a star of the Beltway-Manhattan media elite, a lefty and transparently so.

But he is also a terrific though deeply biased political reporter and his slip into street-talk on air today needed and got an apology, but a suspension? I have been in broadcast studios, both television and radio, for two decades and the pejorative Halperin used is as common as it is low on the scale of insults towards political figures. So what is MSNBC saying with this absurd display of "standards?" That none of its hosts talk this way, or that they don't talk this way on air? If it is the later [sic - I think Hewitt means the former - DS], it is a mistake in delivery, not a moral offense, and no suspension is necessary. If the later [sic], there will be a whole lot more suspensions coming down the pike at MSNBC.
Carlin's words could not be uttered on TV (in 1978, anyway) just because they were obscene. But really, today Halperin was not bounced for the particular word that he said. He could have called the president a blockhead or dimwit or lesser term of derision and he still would have been thrown out the door.

Halperin crossed a line, but it wasn't lingual, it was political. He of all people should have known it. Sorry, Mark. No sympathy here.

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                                                    SOURCE: Reverb
James Curtis dropping some bars that may appear on his newest mixtape. #mosthated


Michelle Keegan pictures

Michelle Keegan photos and Michelle Keegan pictures

Michelle Keegan pictures

Michelle Keegan photos and Michelle Keegan pictures


                                          SOURCE: @theomartins
"Inspired by the Still Sound of Toro Y Moi Mario Kart is just that good ol summer time jam. Vancouver’s own Super Fraiche provides the soundtrack for BBQ’s, pool parties and the joy of shoving your well dressed friends into the pool. Fun stuff like that. So dusk off the ol’ N64 (second greatest game console after SNES), blow into that cartridge, plug in those colorful controllers and prepare to kick back and relax and jam. Oh, I got dibs on Mario!" - Theo Martins

Cars 2 wallpaper

To Download Cars 2 wallpaper click on full size and then right-click and save picture
Cars 2 wallpaper

Ubuntu Logo wallpaper

To Download Ubuntu Logo wallpaper click on full size and then right-click and save picture
Ubuntu Logo wallpaper

Need For Speed The Run wallpaper

To Download Need For Speed The Run wallpaper click on full size and then right-click and save picture
Need For Speed The Run wallpaper

Saving Soil When Planting Large Planters by Caroline Reardon

Magnificent plant pots abound, from the local discount store to upscale greenhouses. Terra cotta, glazed, even plastic that looks like pottery—or not, in hot lime green, tangerine, aquamarine. These large containers make a strong statement massed on the porch by your front door or along the patio by the lawn chairs. And then comes the fun of choosing an artistic combo of leaf shapes, colors, uprights and vines.

And soil. Reality hits when you realize how much potting soil you will need to nurture this fine display! Perhaps as much as two feet of soil at the bottom of a tall pot that the roots will never touch.

Recycling to the rescue. Collect some empty aluminum pop cans from your recycling bin and arrange them in the bottom of the pot, deep enough to leave 8"-12" above for the soil.

Cover the cans with a couple layers of landscape cloth. This will keep the potting soil from filtering down into the spaces between the cans and still allow for good drainage. I wanted a trellis for the Black Eyed Susan vine I would be planting so cut a couple of holes in the cloth and pushed in the sticks. Soil will hold them in place.

Fill the remaining space with your favorite potting soil and then plant, usually starting from the center with the tallest selections and working toward the edges. Crowded plantings make the most spectacular displays, as long as you remember to fertilize throughout the summer. And now you have more soil for your next display.

Melanie Slade pictures

Melanie Slade photos and Melanie Slade pictures

Melanie Slade pictures

Melanie Slade photos and Melanie Slade pictures

Ukrainian Artist Constructs Wooden Miniature Bikes By Woodcarving

The Lvov-based artist dreamed of owning a motorcycle ever since he was just a kid, and rode his first one in the seventh grade. At the same time he was always fascinated in hand-made miniatures, and developed a passion for woodcarving. So even though he couldn’t afford to buy himself a real motorcycle, he found that he could create his own perfect wooden replicas.

The idea of making his first 1:12 scale wooden motorcycle first came to Vyacheslav a year and a half ago, and it promptly turned into a hobby. He was motivated by some other motorcycle miniatures he had seen online, and wanted to see if he could make his own, from wood. In the beginning, he had some doubts he could really pull it off, but after figuring out what kind of wood to use for each component, things started going smoothly. He finished his first bike and noticed that every new one he created looked enhanced than the last.

Vyacheslav Voronovich believes the choice of the right wood spirit is crucial for his art, because every type of wood has its own exclusive characteristics. Pine is easier to work with than oak or beech, but it doesn’t even come close to them in terms of aesthetics. The most hard task is to create the tiny components (handlebars, rear-view mirrors, gear shifters, turn signals, brake discs, etc.), because they often tend to break when they’re nearly completed, and he has to start all over again. But seeing as he only works with a common cutter with disposable blades, he does a pretty splendid job.

The artist’s collection already numbers three choppers he made based on his own taste, and two sports bike replicas of the Honda CBR1000 RR and the Suzuki GSX-R600. He is at present working on a wooden replica of the Honda VT1300 CS cruiser, for which he’s using a new wood-bending expertise to make the handlebars and the frame.


Celebrities and stars are among the main sources of ideas and notions as far as beauty and fashion is concerned. The runway is the generator but the celebrities are the marketers of these looks and style. Every year is a New Year’s ravishing mixtures of colors, designs, hairstyles and fashion statements. Pair up your individualistic ideas with that of the glamour under the limelight.

Notable makeup is one look which settles in within the boundaries of the average. Meaning, there is no going overboard or going under board. Additionally, the makeup perfectly complements the facial features and the skin tone of the wearer making it more of a part of the face rather than an add-on.Variations in makeup products have come in trends and are widely available in forms suitable to almost all skin types.

The star, Kim Kardashian, has always looked glamorous as a public figure. Her markedly good body and chic get-ups make her a good prospect to investigate. Her makeup has always showed the feminine side of a woman – gentle, sophisticated and elegant.

If you think the bold colors will suit you best, don’t hesitate – jump for it. In relation to the New Year’s new trends in makeup set-ups, Kim have chosen favorable colors and hues during a red carpet even which specially emphasized beautiful features of her face without having one overpowering the other.

She took the liberty of enhancing her eyes and bon structure. Use of foundation is particularly important here as it will serve as a base for flawless look. Plum eye shadows, false eyelashes and a finish of bronzer blush and nude colored lipstick wrap the whole thing up. It’s a good getaway from the too conventional bold and too conservative neutral.

Lala look during the Critics Choice Award just this 2011. The vintage and retro panorama she brought in a formal event came to be apt by that time. The glam and the chic veneer she put up is one thing to note. The makeup placed accents on the best focal features – lips, cheeks and eyes. The cheekbones were tinted with bronze blush and shimmering eye shadow captured the eyes best set-up. Finishing the look is a glossy lip shimmer

Sheer beauty defined Keri Hilson’s makeup choice during the 2011 Critic’s Choice Awards. The makeup was purely discreet being available for both daytime and night time activities. It gives women a chance to stand out using their natural beauties. The delicate, radiant look made using shimmering makeup sets gave Keri a youthful and standout look.

It creates a flawless look which gives the cheeks a healthy flush and a soft pink blush. Liquid eyeliner and mascara outlined the eyes and added elegance to the makeup. The pink nude lipstick adds flawlessness to the features. If you think this makeup is perfect for you, then, head on to the nearest cosmetic shop and buy the things you will need.

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